Cable and Ladder Tray Installation Safe Work Method Statement
The Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) for Cable and Ladder Tray Installation outlines the typical procedures to safely conduct cable and ladder tray installations. This template assists businesses in documenting the common hazards and safety controls associated with this type of work, facilitating easy customisation and integration into their Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) management systems.
Hazards & Control Measures Covered:
- Tripping and exposure to nails: Clear areas, particularly walkways, and wear safety footwear.
- Debris and noise from drilling: Use minimum drilling speed and wear protective gear.
- Cuts and abrasions: Ensure sharp tools are handled correctly, and protective gloves are worn.
- Working at heights and falls: Use appropriate fall protection and ensure all work areas are secure.
- Manual handling: Follow proper lifting techniques and use aids where possible.
Additional Resources:
Included with this SWMS is a free Legislation & Codes of Practice Reference List.
Key Features:
This SWMS template is designed to be a quick and easy tool for companies to document their health and safety procedures. It's user-friendly and easy to edit and customisation to meet specific site requirements.
Cable and Ladder Tray Installation SWMS
We accept the following payment methods:
- Instant delivery via email.
- Easily add your logo and business details.
- Fully Editable (Microsoft Word Format).
- Customisation instructions provided.
- In line with Australian legislation.
- Pay once, no ongoing subscriptions.