Changing Linen SWMS | Everything OHS
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Changing Linen Safe Work Method Statement

Dedicated to the hospitality sector, this Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) is tailored for businesses involved in changing linen. This template serves as a quick & convenient tool designed to document the typical hazards associated with changing linen and outlines various safety controls to minimise these risks. Ideal for hotels, motels, and healthcare facilities, the SWMS template can be easily customised with your business details and seamlessly integrated into your Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) management system.

Hazards & Control Measures Covered:

  • Stripping Beds:
    • Risks: Sprain & strain injuries, contact with sharps/bodily fluids.
    • Controls: Use correct manual handling techniques, conduct visual checks of linen.
  • Making the Bed:
    • Risks: Sprain & strain injuries, trip hazards.
    • Controls: Do not overreach; ensure tidy work area.
  • Handling Sharps:
    • Risks: Infection from contaminated sharps.
    • Controls: Use appropriate PPE, follow correct disposal procedures.
  • Emergency Response:
    • Risks: Injuries due to inadequate emergency response.
    • Controls: Clear knowledge of first aid and firefighting equipment, emergency procedures in place.

Additional Resources:

Included with your purchase of the SWMS is a complimentary copy of our Legislation & Codes of Practice Reference List.


Key Features:

This SWMS template is not only a quick and convenient tool for documenting WHS systems but also ensures ease of use with its ability to be edited and customised to meet the specific requirements of your operation. Tailor it to fit seamlessly into your safety protocols, helping you to manage risks effectively without hassle.

Changing Linen SWMS

GST Included
  • Instant delivery via email.
  • Easily add your logo and business details.
  • Fully Editable (Microsoft Word Format).
  • Customisation instructions provided.
  • In line with Australian legislation.
  • Pay once, no ongoing subscriptions.

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