Truck Haulage SWMS | Everything OHS
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Truck Haulage Safe Work Method Statement



This Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) is specifically tailored for Truck Haulage activity, usually within construction projects. It is designed to help businesses quickly and efficiently document common hazards associated with truck haulage and implement safety controls to minimise these risks. Ideal for businesses in the construction and logistics sectors, this SWMS template can be easily customised with your business details and seamlessly integrated into your Work Health and Safety (WHS) management system.


Hazards & Control Measures Covered:

This comprehensive SWMS covers a range of common hazards and control measures, including:

  • Vehicle Movement: Risk of collision; control through designated traffic management plans.
  • Load Handling: Risk of load-displacement; controls include secure loading and unloading procedures.
  • Environmental Factors: Risks associated with inclement weather; control by monitoring weather conditions and adjusting work schedules.
  • Electrical Safety: Risks from overhead power lines; controls involve maintaining safe distances and using spotter where necessary.
  • Emergency Procedures: Handling of onsite emergencies and incidents; established protocols for immediate response.
  • Personal Protective Equipment: Requirements for hard hats, steel cap boots, high visibility clothing, and more to ensure worker safety.


Additional Resources:

Included with the SWMS is a free copy of our Legislation & Codes of Practice Reference List.


Key Features:

The Truck Haulage SWMS template is an essential, user-friendly tool designed to support your company’s safety documentation needs. It's designed to be easily edited and customised, saving time and fitting perfectly into your existing WHS systems. This template simplifies the process of documenting safety measures within your truck haulage operations.

Truck Haulage SWMS

GST Included
  • Instant delivery via email.
  • Easily add your logo and business details.
  • Fully Editable (Microsoft Word Format).
  • Customisation instructions provided.
  • In line with Australian legislation.
  • Pay once, no ongoing subscriptions.

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