Comprehensive WHS Framework
Manuals developed inline with AS/NZS ISO 45001:2018.
Save Time &
Save hours of time & frustration starting from scratch.
Fully Editable Documents
Supplied as a fully editable document via MS Word.
Latest editions available.
Quick, Easy & Affordable WHS/OHS Manuals
Discover the quick & easy solution for Australian businesses aiming to enhance workplace safety, meet legislative compliance, and succeed in tender applications. Our WHS/OHS manuals have been carefully crafted by industry experts to allow small to medium businesses to easily implement a robust Workplace Health and Safety management system.
Key Points:
Aligns with AS/NZS ISO 45001 (Australian & International Standard).
Fully Editable (Microsoft Word Document).
Includes Checklists, Forms & Registers.
Instant Manual Delivery via Email.
Implementation Guide Provided.
Who Is This Manual For?
Small to medium-sized businesses seeking to establish a solid WHS foundation.
Any business looking to ensure compliance with the latest WHS legislation.
Businesses across various sectors preparing for tender applications and needing to demonstrate a strong commitment to workplace safety and compliance.
Organisations looking to integrate psychological hazard management into their safety strategies.
Select Your Industry
Our Industry-Specific WHS Manuals are pre-designed for your specific field, helping you to stay compliant with Australian regulations. These comprehensive and easy to use manuals can be purchased and downloaded instantly, giving you quick access to the safety documents you need to protect your business and workforce.
Or Order A Tailored WHS Manual
Our Tailored WHS Manual is designed to provide a more customised Work Health and Safety solution for your business. With the ability to select from 53 additional policy and procedure sections, this manual is tailored to your specific operational needs, helping you to meet compliance with Australian WHS regulations.
Creating your tailored manual is quick and straightforward. Once you place your order, simply complete a short WHS Questionnaire and email it back to us at along with your organisational chart and logo. We’ll handle the rest, delivering your professionally designed manual within 1-2 business days.
This service is ideal for small to medium Australian businesses looking for a professional WHS manual that saves time and is tailored to their unique requirements. Take the first step toward simplified workplace safety by ordering your Tailored WHS Manual today.

Can your WHS/OHS manuals be used for council or government tenders?Absolutely. Many of our clients have successfully used our manuals for council and government tenders. Our manuals are designed to cover the key WHS/OHS requirements in these types of tenders, helping you to put forward a compliant and competitive bid. While obviously we can't promise a winning tender, our manuals and systems have consistently met the key criteria needed for council and government projects.
Are your WHS/OHS manual suitable for use in my state or territory?Yes, they are. Everything OHS manuals have been carefully designed to be universally applicable and effective across all Australian states and territories. They are designed to align with state-based legislation and regulations, as well as ISO standards, ensuring a comprehensive approach that satisfies both local legislative needs and international best practices.
Do your WHS/OHS manuals comply with AS/NZS ISO 45001 standards and WHS/OHS regulations?Yes, our manuals are aligned with key elements from AS/NZS ISO 45001:2018 and the Work Health and Safety Acts and Regulations.
What happens if legislation changes?We keep our clients informed with regular emails about any updates or changes to the documents. At Everything OHS, we're committed to helping you stay current. For any previously purchased documents, we offer updates at an upgrade fee.
Can I edit and customise the content of the manual?Yes, you certainly can. All our documents are provided in Microsoft Word Format, allowing you to easily tailor them to meet your specific needs. You can also add your company logo and details to all documents, making them 100% yours.
Are your WHS/OHS manuals accredited or certified?The manuals on their own are not accredited, however they do play a vital role in helping your business to achieve accreditation. The manuals have been designed to help you towards meeting ISO standards. While buying a manual is a great start, integrating these practices into your daily operations is crucial. When implemented effectively, they set the stage for third-party assessment and potential accreditation, enhancing your overall safety and operational standards.